A librarian explaining a flier to a library patron.

Services at the City of Busselton Libraries

Learn about the various services available at the City of Busselton Libraries: public access technology, the local studies collection, bookable spaces, and more.


A librarian assisting a library patron with photocopying.

Computers, printing, photocopying, and other technical services.

Local Studies

An old book viewed over the shoulder of a woman wearing gloves.

For-loan and archived materials to preserve and promote our history.

Bookable Spaces

The door of the Busselton Library Meeting Room.

Private study spaces available to book at each branch.

Digital Seniors

A young woman assisting an older man with using a computer.

Improve your digital skills through library-run programs.

Home Library Service

An older woman reading a book.

Books delivered directly to your home, or nursing home.