Code of Conduct

Be Considerate
- Walk, don’t run.
- Ensure noise levels are suitable for a library.
- Place rubbish in the bin.
Be eSafe
- Stay on safe websites.
- Lock your PC when you step away from it.
- Report cyberbullying to the proper authorities.
Be Responsible…
- For your belongings, keeping them in your control at all times.
- For those in your care.
Be Respectful
- Of library equipment and spaces.
- Use respectful and polite language.
- Be aware and considerate of those around you.
- Be courteous and respectful of staff.
- Cooperate with staff directions.
- Ask before taking photos or filming.
Library staff will…
- Respect your privacy.
- Guide and assist you.
Unacceptable Behaviour
Any behaviour deemed to be offensive, inconsiderate, or deemed a risk to the safety of people or property is unacceptable. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Violence
- Aggression, harassment, or abuse.
- Alcohol or illicit substance use.
- Theft or damage of property.
- Unauthorised and inappropriate filming.
You must cooperate with library staff, including leaving the building or moving belongings, when instructed to do so.
Guidelines for Unaccompanied Children
Busselton Libraries welcomes children of all ages to use its facilities and services. Busselton Libraries has a duty of care to all library users and therefore, restrictions on unaccompanied minors are necessary to ensure their safety, comfort and wellbeing and that no one is placed in a situation where they are at risk of harm. Library staff are not trained or expected to supervise children.
Children are welcome to use the library under the following conditions:
- Children aged under 12 years of age must be supervised by a parent, guardian, caregiver, or responsible adult over the age of 18 at all times. Supervision is defined as the child being within sight of the guardian at all times. The guardian is responsible for monitoring the behaviour and activities of their children.
- Children aged over 12 years may use the library without being supervised provided they maintain acceptable library behaviour at all times.
Collection Development Guidelines

The City of Busselton Libraries aspire to provide a comprehensive and accessible library collection and information service equipped with up-to-date resources and technologies that meet the educational, informational, vocational, and recreational needs of residents and visitors.
The Collection Development Guidelines assist staff in developing collection that meet library goals and inform the public about the principles by which materials are selected, maintained, and also deselected.
Collection Objectives
The library does not sanction particular beliefs or views, nor is the selection of any particular item equivalent to an endorsement of the author’s viewpoint. In order to meet the principles stated in the UNESCO Public Library Manifesto 1994, the library will:
- Provide the community with equal access to information and resources that are, where possible, representative of all viewpoints on both current and historical issues.
- Ensure that materials selected for the collection are evaluated on merit and community need and are not excluded on moral, political, racial, religious, or other grounds except where subject to Federal and State conditions.
- Provide access to resources without exception where legally required.
- Make material available in a variety of appropriate formats including traditional materials and modern technology.
- Not censor the reading matter selected by any member of the public.
- Recognise that parents are responsible for supervising the library materials chosen by their children.
- Support the Australian Library and Information Association Statement on Free Access of Information.
Selection Criteria
Library materials are selected to meet and anticipate community needs and trends. The library is therefore committed to the acquisition of a range of emerging digital media formats. Library staff will be open minded, flexible, and responsible in the evaluation and re-evaluation of library materials.
The following criteria are used to evaluate and select items for the collection:
- Preference should be given to Australian authors and subject matter.
- Material should be of current or anticipated interest.
- Availability of titles from preferred suppliers.
- Price and intrinsic value of an item.
- The material should be durable and strong enough for use by intended readers.
- Authority and reputation of author, illustrator, or publisher.
- Favourable reviews.
- The chosen format should encourage use and convey the information in the most appropriate manner.
- Items are considered in the context of the overall balance of the collection.
- Items are relevant and reflect current trends and issues in the wider community.
- Titles are selected in line with age-appropriate guidelines, in liaison with publishers, suppliers, and the State Library of Western Australia.
Unsuitable materials include:
- Superseded formats.
- Content targeted for an academic audience.
- Textbooks.
- Items more than five years old in all formats and subject areas.
Resources on Aboriginal Australian culture and subject matter are prioritised for inclusion.