Library Staff Recommendation

Bear Necessity, by James Gould-Bourn

Cover of Bear Necessity, by James Gould-Bourn.

A heartwarming story about a father and son. Danny lost his wife a little over a year ago, is being threatened by a dodgy landlord for back-rent, and has just lost his job. He makes the most obvious decision in the world: he dresses up as a panda and dances in the park for money. Will has not spoken since his mother died, but tries opening-up to a strange dancing panda he finds in the park. They both come to learn a lot about the nature of their relationship and find a way to repair what was damaged.

Though the book broadly covers serious themes, it is written in a light-hearted and humorous way. Being British, it reads like your favourite BBC sit-com.  The characters are all flawed, but loveable. The plot moves in some very strange directions, but it all seems to make sense in the world we are presented and it makes for a joyful ride.

5/5 Stars

Reviewed by Rebecca.